I would also like to add: Yankee fans, Cowboy fans, Spurs fans, Raiders fans, Red Sox fans, Steelers fans etc. etc. etc.?
There are a couple of legitimate reason that I’ll accept: Your a transplant from another city/state (1st and even 2nd generation) and you still root for your original home team. Or in the case of the NFL, there is no L.A. team and you gotta root for some team right? But I still say you Raider and Rams fans have gotta go. Other than that, I will not accept any other excuses.
Growing up in L.A. I was brought up to be a Dodger, Lakers, Rams (when they were here), Raiders (when they were here), Clippers, Angels (I grew up with them as the California Angels), Galaxy and Kings fan. I root for the Ducks but wouldn’t consider myself a die hard fan. How in the world someone could of have been born here and not be a fan of a local team just drives me crazy. Not only that, some people here actually hate L.A. teams. I don’t get it. In fact, I want you to leave. Now.
I run into these people all the time. I see jerseys being worn of non-L.A. teams everywhere. None of this happens when I go to New York (Unless worn by an obvious tourist). In fact when you go into a sports appearall store in New York it’s damn hard to find rival teams stuff there. Not to mention that when I do wear a Lakers or Dodgers item someone somewhere always will have to have something to say. For the most part if you are a New Yorker your a New York fan. There is no other way. Why don’t L.A. fans feel the same way?
Maybe we are too laid back. Maybe we should care more. Now I’m not saying we need to go off the deep end and just lose it (ahem, Dodger Pavillion fans) . No, not at all. What I am saying is that more passion is needed. More pride is needed. I don’t want to see jerseys or a whole store dedicated to the Raiders. A team that left L.A.. Let me repeat that, a team that left L.A. You wont believe the number of Raiders fans here. It’s out of control. I can gaurantee that there were no Ravens fans in Cleveland when Art Modell moved the Browns in 1996 to Baltimore. In fact I bet to this day that the name ‘Art Modell’ is not spoken of in that city.
Just a note before I sign off. I have noticed a growing number of Celtics fans. This is very disturbing to me. When I was growing up there wasn’t one Celtics fan amongs’t my friends and I. You would have hada fist to the face if you were a Celtics fan. Not that I condone that type of behavior but you had it coming.
So if you root for another team and your not a transplant get the hell out of L.A. It just means more sunshine for the rest of us.
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