New basketball movie, "The RonShot Redemption", being shopped around Hollywood. Here's the pitch:
A professional basketball team is looking to repeat as champions. In the off season they lose an important part of their playoff run the year before. They pick up a volatile player with many questions and no championship pedigree. Flash forward to the Western Conference Championships. The new player takes to ill-advised shots near the end of the game that lead to the game being tied by the opposing team. The star of the movie, who in many similar roles, is expected to make the game winning shot. The star gets the ball with 3 seconds left, turns, shoots, and air balls the shot. But wait, the game is not over, the ball is caught underneath the basket and is put in! Who makes the shot but the new player who had only made one shot the entire game. He goes from goat to hero in less than a minute, the crowd goes wild, he gets mobbed by his teammates, and the game ends. End of scene.
To be continued...
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